Monday, November 26, 2007

MCG Partners with the American Lung Association of Florida

Moore Consulting Group (MCG) is proud to announce its partnership with the American Lung Association of Florida (ALAF) for its annual Asthma Walk to take place April 5, 2008.

Asthma affects more than 20 million people in the United States, and more than 40,000 people in the Big Bend region. MCG has partnered with ALAF to provide in-kind donations for the 2008 event. Three of our staff members also serve on the Asthma Walk Committee to assist with planning and fund raising.

We hope you will join us on April 5, 2008 at the scenic Centerville Conservation Community, where walkers will enjoy 2.5 miles of nature trails as well as food and fun for families and participants!

For more information or to make a donation, visit, or click on the banner above.

Friday, October 19, 2007

3Com Highlights MCG for Business Technology Innovation

3Com, a leading global provider of enterprise and small-business networking solutions, highlighted Moore Consulting Group (MCG) as a leader in providing its business and clients with innovative technological solutions. The company recently profiled MCG in a case study to exemplify how small businesses can take advantage of enhancements to their technology infrastructure to improve client service.

Moore Consulting Group partnered with Hayes Computer Services and 3Com to remedy bandwidth issues caused by large file transfers and increased network usage, and to prepare for future network growth. 3Com provided a secure, unified wireless access system for clients and mobile employees; gave the building full wireless coverage with ample bandwidth to ensure consistent access; and enabled MCG with a flexible network that can easily deploy future innovations.

MCG's commitment to business technology for clients and employees will also be featured in Von magazine’s “What Works at Work” section in their November issue.

Monday, September 24, 2007

O’Dwyers Names Moore Consulting Group No. 1 Health Care Firm in Florida

O’Dwyers has announced its latest national ranking of public relations firms engaged in the health care industry, naming Tallahassee’s Moore Consulting Group No. 1 in the state of Florida, and 23rd in the nation. The rankings are based on the number of healthcare clients and revenue.

The firm has orchestrated educational outreach to target audiences including elected officials, key influentials, provider groups and associations for healthcare access and prevention issues. Karen Moore, CEO and president of Moore Consulting Group, has testified before the U.S. House and Senate Healthcare and Appropriations Committees on Medicare and Medicaid.

“Health care is a top priority for the state of Florida as well as the nation, and I am honored to have the opportunity to work on initiatives that are helping enhance quality of life and save people’s lives,” said Moore. “Moore Consulting Group has a strong history of making a difference in the health care industry, covering prevention and access issues.”

Earlier this year, O’Dwyers named Moore Consulting Group the No. 2 overall public relations firm in Florida and 80th in the nation (out of 15,000 firms), based on net fees, the number of employees and the percentage of growth from 2005 to 2006. The firm was also named one of the top 110 firms in the U.S. by the national publication PRWeek.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

MCG welcomes Susannah Wesley to the team

Moore Consulting Group is pleased to announce that Susannah Wesley has joined the team as a senior account executive. Susannah has a background in public affairs and association management, with experience in marketing, public relations, special event execution, and strategic planning. Prior to joining our team, she served as Deputy Director of the Florida Association of Convention & Visitors Bureaus, and Executive Director of two additional statewide trade associations. She earned her bachelor’s degree in communication studies from Florida State University.

“I was really drawn to Moore Consulting Group's enthusiasm and commitment to client service,” said Wesley. “MCG’s team members are known for their creativity, and I am thrilled to join such a talented group.”

A native Floridian, Susannah’s personal and professional background have given her a deep undertanding of our state’s diverse strengths. She has already begun work with VISIT FLORIDA’s Tourism Counts campaign to create a better Florida, attending the recent Governor’s Conference on Tourism in Boca Raton, where she successfully recruited 76 new members for the Partnership for Florida’s Tourism.

In her spare time, Susannah enjoys singing with the Tallahassee Community Chorus, keeping up with political news and events, and serving as a local volunteer.

Monday, September 10, 2007

MCG vice president named co-chair of BioFlorida Chapter

Jim Hunt, vice president of business development at Moore Consulting Group, was recently selected to serve as co-chair of BioFlorida’s Northwest Florida chapter. BioFlorida is an independent, statewide organization that focuses on outreach, awareness and development of bioscience in the state of Florida.

“BioFlorida leads the way in creating a favorable business and legislative environment to promote the growth of Florida’s bio and life sciences industries.” said Hunt. “I am very excited to join such a dynamic organization as co-chair of the Northwest Florida chapter.”

Learn more about BioFlorida.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Business should be ready for crisis

Karen Moore's latest article for the Tallahassee Democrat focuses on the important of businesses preparing for the storm before it hits. Here's an excerpt:
It goes without saying that it is difficult to prepare for the unexpected - in everyday life as well as in business. Still, businesses can take some key steps before, during and after a problem or crisis that will enable them to respond effectively with the help of a good crisis team.
Click here to read the full article

Thursday, August 23, 2007

PhRMa, others launch Rx Response, Emergency Communications Partnership

Moore Consulting Group was noted in PRWeek for facilitating media outreach in south Florida for the Rx Response, a new initiative that could change the manner in which healthcare organizations involved in the manufacturing and distribution of pharmaceutical products communicate with one another in the wake of a major public health emergency.

Click here to read the full article

Friday, August 17, 2007

MCG partners with KCCI to launch new “Park-and-Ride” Web site

Moore Consulting Group is pleased to announce the launch of the new website for Tallahassee Star Metro’s new Park-and-Ride transportation service, online at

MCG offered its design expertise as part of a pro bono partnership to create a web site for the Park-and-Ride pilot program, which was created by KCCI’s Greenovation initiative and StarMetro. This program features new StarMetro routes to the Thomasville Road area to promote the use of public transit and aid Tallahassee in its efforts to become a greener community. This web site will serve as a primary marketing and informational tool, as well as provide interested participants and business sponsors with access to sign up for the program.

KCCI: Tallahassee is a year-long community development project designed to build authentic sustainable regional prosperity in Tallahassee, Florida. The goal of its Greenovation initiative is to establish Tallahassee as a leader in green technologies that benefit the environment and attract economic and business development.

To learn more about Park-and-Ride, go to

To learn more about KCCI, go to

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

FPRA Capital Chapter Selects Terrie Glover Ard as New President-Elect

Moore Consulting Group is pleased to announce that Terrie Glover Ard, senior vice president at Moore Consulting Group, has been chosen as the new president-elect for the Florida Public Relations Association’s (FPRA) Capital Chapter.

“I am thrilled to have this opportunity to serve with the FPRA,” said Glover Ard. “The members of the Capital Chapter are known for their enthusiasm and commitment to the public relations field, and I am so excited to be able to work with such a talented group of people as we continue to enhance the Chapter’s involvement and the growth of the communications industry in this region.”

To find out more information about the FPRA Capital Chapter, as well as meeting schedules, click here.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Florida Department of Juvenile Justice selects Moore Consulting Group as media relations counsel

The Florida Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) has announced the launch of the new Blueprint Commission, a statewide effort to foster a dialogue among stakeholders and citizens on the need for change in the juvenile justice system.

The Commission, chaired by Florida Atlantic University President and former Lieutenant Governor Frank Brogan, is embarking upon a series of forums throughout the state that will culminate in a full report of reform recommendations to be presented to Florida Governor Charlie Crist and the Florida Legislature.

Moore Consulting Group was selected to help DJJ develop and implement its media relations strategy for this crucial campaign to raise awareness of the challenges and opportunities within the state’s juvenile justice system.

Click here to learn more about the Blueprint Commission.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Getting to the Right People: Winning with Networking

Karen Moore's latest article for the Tallahassee Democrat focuses on the importance of networking and connecting with the right people. Here's an excerpt:

“In an over-crowded and competitive marketplace, networking is the one tool that keeps you informed, increases your referral bases, increases your visibility and helps you stay on the cutting-edge. There are now more and more business groups, professional associations, and community organizations that provide networking opportunities—to the point that some may feel all of the meetings, conferences, seminars and events are dizzying. With a plethora of networking opportunities it can be incredibly difficult to pinpoint where and how to invest your valuable time…”

Click here to read the full article

Sunday, June 24, 2007

More Businesses Use Social Media to ‘Engage’ Clients

Karen Moore's latest article for the Tallahassee Democrat focuses on the power of social media and its effects on your business. Here's an excerpt:
“Businesses are used to “giving” to consumers, who are supposed to “take” that good or service. Today, both parties must give and take, which means companies must be prepared to not only provide a product or service to consumers, but work with them in new ways. Social media is a growing means of establishing this dialogue…”
Click here to read the full article

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Governor Crist Appoints Karen Moore to TCC District Board of Trustees

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (June 6, 2007) -- Governor Crist names Karen B. Moore and Eugene Lamb Jr., and reappoints Frank S. Messersmith to the TCC District Board of Trustees. TCC President Bill Law thanks the Governor for appointing such capable community leaders and said that the Governor’s diligence to find exemplary trustees demonstrates support for local autonomy of Florida’s community colleges.

Karen B. Moore of Tallahassee succeeds Dr. Alisa Ghazvini. Moore is the president of Moore Consulting Group, an integrated communications, public relations and advertising firm. She serves on numerous boards, including TCC’s Foundation Board for which she was the president in 2003 and chaired its first Capital Campaign that secured $10 million. She is the recipient of the National Association for Community Leadership's Distinguished Leadership Award, the Pacesetter Award from Leadership Tallahassee, the Silver Medal Award from the American Advertising Federation and the Stanley Tait Award for Outstanding Achievement in Public Relations from FPRA.

Read the full news release on the TCC Web site.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Moore Consulting Group is One of Top PR Firms in the U.S.

Moore Consulting Group has been ranked as one of the top public relations firms by industry magazine, O’Dwyer’s PR Report. The firm placed 80th out of the 15,000 public relations firms in the nation.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Business Branding Leads to Success

Karen Moore's latest article for the Tallahassee Democrat focuses on the power of your business brand. Here's an excerpt:
“Building the bridge from your company to your consumer is not just about marketing, sales, public relations or advertising. It is more than your logo, brochures, company colors, slick ad copy or special events. Your brand is the sum total of the experiences that a customer has with you and your business, and it is your job to reach them…”
Click here to read the full article

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The Rear View Mirror

Here's a sample of Karen's latest article from the Tallahassee Democrat:

“Chances are that you haven’t heard much about the concept of “integrated communications.” However, its buzz words of “branding,” “marketing,” “public relations” and “advertising” have thankfully become daily fodder around the water cooler when referring to analyzing the latest trends, talking about a blog or honing in on your organization’s communications goals and objectives…”

Click here to read the full article

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Karen Moore is Named a Top Woman in Business by the Tallahassee Democrat

Karen Moore, founder and CEO of Moore Consulting Group, Inc. was featured in the Tallahassee Democrat as one of the “Top Women in Business” of 2007. She said the reinvention is what has kept Moore Consulting Group successful as she started the company in 1982.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Moore Consulting Group Wins Three Addy Awards

Moore Consulting Group was recognized with three Silver Addy Awards at the Greater Tallahassee Advertising Federation’s annual “Addy Awards.” Winning entries included a sales promotional piece for W.F. Rayls Kennels and a consumer publication for Workforce Florida.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Celebrating 15 Years of Results

Moore Consulting Group is celebrating its 15th year of providing communications results for clients. The firm was started in 1992 by Karen Moore, and has grown from one employee to nearly 25, while expanding its service to both local and national clients.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The New Establishment: Tallahassee’s Future Leaders Take Charge Today

Tallahassee Magazine, January 2007
“Tallahassee native Terrie Ard loves her job. As senior vice president of Moore Consulting Group, a successful public relations firm, the 32-year-old has the opportunity to be a part of something new – a new product, a new client, a new project. She has been instrumental in getting new accounts and providing top-of-the-line strategy and counsel for all client campaigns…”
Click here to read the full article